Publish a certificate

Publishing a certificate is a bit more hands-on than retrieving them. sq can directly publish to keyservers, for other methods of dissemination sq can generate the necessary data.

The simplest way to publish to keyservers is:

$ sq network keyserver publish --cert EE99C48D11A4BE940569C4B3919EA6F609043A04

or more general

$ sq network keyserver publish $QUERY

sq searches inside the cert store for certificates matching $QUERY and publishes all results. $QUERY can be

  • a fingerprint: --cert $FINGERPRINT
  • a User ID: --userid "Alice Example"
  • an email address: --email
  • a file: --file $FILE

This example publishes the certificate to the default keyservers (,,,, This list can be customized by adding --server to the command:

$ sq network keyserver publish --server hkps:// --server hkps://some.other.keyserver.tld --email

If --server is used, the default servers are ignored. Please note that --server expects the parameter to specify the protocol (e.g. hkps://).

Generating and publishing files for WKD

Web Key Directory (WKD) is another way of distributing certificates. It defines a scheme which translates an email address into a URL (actually there are two schemes). That corresponds to an accordingly configured webserver which delivers the certificates upon request.

This requires the generation of files and directories complying with the scheme. sq can help by generating the required structure.

$ sq network wkd publish --create --domain /tmp/foo

This will create all files and directories under /tmp/foo, starting with the subdirectory .well-known. From the cert store only certificates with User IDs in domain are included.

The above command will generate a directory structure according to the 'advanced method', to be used as content for If you need the 'direct method' (, add --method direct to the command.

$ sq network wkd publish --create --method direct --domain /tmp/foo

If there is already a directory structure present, using --create will return an error:

Error: Cannot create WKD because /tmp/foo already contains one

The certificates to include into the WKD directory structure can be selected using the following designators:

  • --cert $FINGERPRINT to use a certificate by that fingerprint
  • --userid $USER_ID any certificates matching $USER_ID
  • --email $EMAIL any certificates matching $EMAIL

Instead of using the cert store, certificates can also be taken from a keyring using --cert-file $FILE

$ sq network wkd publish --cert-file /path/to/some/keyring.pgp --domain --email /tmp/foo

or even all certificates for a domain which can be found inside the cert store by skipping a filtering query.

$ sq network wkd publish --domain /tmp/foo --all

If supplied with --rsync, sq invokes a local copy of rsync passing the destination as-is.

$ sq network wkd publish --rysnc --domain alice@myserver:/var/www/html --all

More on hosting a WKD:

Generating records for DANE

For publishing certificates via DNS (aka DANE), a TXT record has to be added to the zone file of the mail domain.

The record can be generated like this:

$ sq network dane generate --domain --cert-email

The result will be printed to STDOUT.

This example will generate a TXT record in OPENPGPKEY format. If your DNS server cannot handle this type of record, you can generate a generic record by adding --type generic.

Instead of specifying the certificates to publish (by --cert-email, --cert-userid or via fingerprint with --cert), you can choose --all.

$ sq network dane generate --type generic --domain --cert-email

A more compact form of an OPENPGPKEY record can be generated by adding a size limit. sq will try to match that limit as best as it can.

$ sq network dane generate --size-limit 1024 --domain --all

More on DANE can be found here: