Key generation

Generate a key

You can generate a key with different parameters and for different purposes. The default settings include an expiration of 3 years and elliptic curves as cryptographic algorithm. All of them can be modified.

Just a quick note at this point: it is not possible to explicitly generate a certificate. You only ever generate a key, as a certificate is always a part of a key, containing only public key material.

Using the sq key generate command is a stateful operation, which imports the key directly into the key store. If you want to avoid this, you could also use the --output option to specify a location for the key file. The co-generated emergency revocation file will automatically be stored in $HOME/.local/share/sequoia/revocation-certificates (see chapter 'File structure and backup' for more information ) - as long as you don't state otherwise.

You don't have to separate different User IDs, but could instead combine them to one statement --userid 'alice <>'. However, this is not the recommended practice, instead Sequoia suggests to have separate User IDs for name and email address, which allows them to be certified or being revoked separately.

$ sq key generate --own-key --name alice --email 

This example generates a key with the two User IDs "alice" and "". --own-key tells sq to promote the new key as an unconstrained trust introducer. If you plan to share the key (for instance to use it as a group key), use --shared-key instead - this way the new key will not be made a trust introducer.

You can use sq pki link {add | authorize | retract} to change the trust introducer state at a later time.

For understanding in detail what sq pki link does, see chapter 'Authenticating certificates'.

Choosing a cipher-suite

The default cipher suite that sq uses when generating a key is cv25519. To select a specific suite, use --cipher-suite with one of the following options:

  • rsa2k RSA with 2048 bits
  • rsa3k RSA with 3072 bits
  • rsa4k RSA with 4096 bits
  • cv25519 Elliptic curve of the same name with 256 bits

To show it with an example:

$ sq key generate --own-key --name alice --email  --cipher-suite rsa4k
Opting out password protection

The default settings for generating a key include password protection for the key material, which is queried after entering the sq key generate command. In order to create a key without password protection, you have to specify the --without-password option.

$ sq key generate --own-key --name alice --email --without-password 
Choose expiration time

The default setting is an expiration time of 3 years. To define a different one, you can either choose any ISO 8601 string or a custom duration using N[ymwds] (both with a possible reference time using --time). You can also change the expiration date at a later point to prolong or shorten the period of time. See chapter 'Maintaining a key' for more information. For more thoughts on why setting an expiration date is a useful thing, see 'Key expiration'.

$ sq key generate --own-key --name alice --email --expiration 2y

Note: All of the key generating options showed above (and more) can be combined as follows:

$ sq key generate --own-key --name alice --email --expiration 2y --cipher-suite rsa4k